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Encourage arachnologists to share their experiences through the lens and
drawing with the scientific community.

Anyone registered for the VII Latin American Congress of Arachnology, whether
attending in person or virtually.

● All submissions must be original and unpublished work of the participant.
● Photographs or drawings should be submitted as digital files in JPEG or
TIFF formats.
● Photographs must be accompanied by information about the species
photographed, georeferencing, and the date the photo was taken. It
should also include the camera model, lens, technique used, and if the
image is a result of stacking or any editing (excluding photomontages).

Versión PDF English and Portuguese:

● Each participant may submit one entry per category, either in monochrome or colour.
● Entries must not have been awarded in previous editions of the CLA.
● Image adjustments (white balance, exposure, levels, contrast, saturation,
focus, etc.) are accepted, but photomontages are not. Stacking is allowed; please mention it in the photo description.
● Images must not contain names, logos, watermarks, frames, or trademarks.
● Jury and organising committee members are not eligible to participate.

Note: The organising committee reserves the right to reject submissions deemed inappropriate.


  • Behaviour in Action Live animals in their natural environment. Photos showing evidence of conditioned organisms will not be accepted.

  • Wonders Under Control Photos of live animals taken under laboratory conditions or a manipulated environment. Artificial backgrounds or controlled conditions (e.g., terrariums) are allowed.

  • A Day in the Life of an Arachnologist 
    arachnologists in the field or laboratory.Photos documenting the work of

  • Masters of Microscopy Images taken with any type of microscopy: stereomicroscopy, optical microscopy, scanning microscopy, high-resolution microtomography, either of the whole animal or a specific body part.

  • Scientific Strokes Hand-drawn illustrations of the whole body or a part of the organism.

  • Capturing Science in Pixels Digital drawings made in programs like Illustrator, Inkscape, etc., of the whole body or a part of the organism.

For each category, the jury will select three finalists, and the winner will be based on the number of “likes” they receive on the official CLA Instagram account.

Fill in the following form by clicking here

Submit entries in jpg or tiff format with a minimum resolution of 1500 pixels on the longer side, between 200 and 300 dpi. For illustrations, scanned images at 300 dpi or photographs meeting the above conditions are accepted. Files should be named with the contestant's surname, first name, and category acronym as follows:
CA: Behaviour in Action
MC: Wonders Under Control
DA: A Day in the Life of an Arachnologist
MM: Masters of Microscopy
SS: Scientific Strokes
CP: Capturing Science in Pixels

When submitting the file, it should be titled as follows:
Surname_FirstName_CA.jpg, Surname_FirstName_MC.jpg, and so on.

● Registration opens: 31 May 2024
● Registration closes: 10 June 2024
● Evaluation: 11-14 June 2024
● Finalists announcement: 16 June 2024
● Public voting: 16-21 June 2024*
● Winners announcement: 21 June 2024

Public voting closes at 12:00 pm on 21 June 2024.

Autorización de imagen

VII Latin American  
Congress of Arachnology

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